

Sealants are a fine-flowing resin. This is a thin, plastic coating that is applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, which are more prone to tooth decay. The sealant acts as a barrier, sealing the deep grooves and cavities of the teeth, preventing food particles and bacteria from becoming trapped and causing tooth decay. Sealants are usually applied to molars and premolars, as these teeth have a rougher surface and are more difficult to clean effectively.
The importance of sealants for oral health
Maintaining good oral health is essential to overall well-being, and sealants play a key role in preventing tooth decay and cavities. Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems, affecting people of all ages. When left untreated, cavities can drive to more serious problems such as tooth loss and gum disease. Sealants provide an extra layer of protection for the teeth, reducing the risk of tooth decay and the need for more invasive dental procedures in the future.
The benefits of using sealants
There are many benefits to using sealants as part of your oral health routine. First, they provide an effective barrier against tooth decay, reducing the risk of cavities. Sealants also help maintain good oral health in the long term by preventing the need for more extensive dental treatments such as fillings or root canals. Additionally, they are a non-invasive procedure that can be completed in just one visit to the dentist, making them a convenient and time-saving option for busy people.
The process: 
Placing sealants is a simple procedure that can be completed in just one visit to the dentist. The first step is a thorough cleaning of the teeth to remove any plaque and debris. The teeth are then dried and isolated to ensure a clean and dry surface for the sealants to adhere to.
The dentist will then place the bonding agent. A curing light will then be used to harden the sealant and once it has set, the process is complete. The whole process is painless and generally only takes a few minutes per tooth.

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Faq Sealants

Mainly children and teenagers, but they can also be useful for adults with a high risk of tooth decay.

Side effects are rare, but some people may be allergic to certain sealant materials.

They typically last 5 to 10 years, but their lifespan depends on proper care and use

Usually, it is best to apply them immediately after the appearance of the first permanent teeth.

Proper oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing, helps maintain the effectiveness of sealants

The cost of applying sealants can vary, but is usually affordable and competitive with tooth decay treatment.

Yes, adults at high risk of tooth decay can benefit from sealants.
