Sports Splints

Sports Dental

Sports Dental Braces

What are sports dental braces?

When it comes to participating in sports, it is important to protect not only the body you but also your teeth. Sports dental braces are intraorally mobile machinery and are usually made of a durable and flexible material that absorbs and distributes the forces generated during sports activities, reducing the risk of dental trauma. It helps to limit the injury of the teeth, the temporomandibular joint, the bones of the upper and lower jaw and finally the intraoral and perioral tissues.

Benefits of using sports dental braces

Protection from dental injuries

One of the main benefits of using sports braces is their ability to protect your teeth from injury. Sports activities, especially contact sports, such as martial arts, football, hockey, basketball, etc. they can pose a significant risk to your teeth. A sudden impact or collision can cause teeth to break, crack or even become completely detached. By wearing a sports brace, you create a buffer zone that absorbs shock and minimizes the chances of dental trauma.

Prevention of jaw fractures

Sports dental braces not only protect your teeth, but also provide support for your jaw. In the event of a blow to your face, the brace helps distribute the force evenly, reducing the risk of jaw fractures. Jaw fractures can be painful and require extensive medical intervention. By using a sports brace, you add an extra layer of protection to your jaw, ensuring the safety and integrity of your entire oral cavity.

Sports Dental
Sports Dental


Reduction of soft tissue injuries

In addition to protecting your teeth and jaw, sports dental braces also help reduce the occurrence of soft tissue injuries in your mouth. Soft tissues include your lips, cheeks and tongue, which are vulnerable to cuts, abrasions and tears during sports activities. The cushioning effect of the brace helps absorb impact, minimizing the risk of such injuries and allowing you to focus on your performance without worrying about potential mouth sores.

Sports dental braces are made from a variety of materials after taking an impression of the teeth and making a mold., each with their own properties that make them suitable for different sports activities. Some of the more commonly used materials include:

Acrylic resin: Acrylic resin is a thermoplastic material commonly used in sports dental braces. It is a popular choice due to its durability, strength and ability to conform to the shape of the teeth. Acrylic resin splints are also easy to clean and their transparency makes them aesthetically pleasing.

Silicone: Silicone is a flexible and lightweight material often used in sports dental braces. It is an excellent choice for athletes who require a comfortable fit, as it can be adjusted to the shape of the teeth and gums. Silicone splints are also extremely durable and their flexibility allows them to absorb the impact of a blow.

Polyethylene: Polyethylene is a plastic material commonly used in sports dental braces due to its lightweight and durable properties. It is an excellent choice for athletes who require a high level of protection, as it can absorb heavy impacts without breaking or cracking. Polyethylene splints are also easy to clean and their low cost makes them an affordable option for many athletes.

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Faq Sports Dental Braces

The lifespan of a sports brace can vary depending on factors such as frequency of use and the person's oral hygiene habits. On average, a well-maintained sports brace can last from 1 to 3 years. It is important to regularly clean and inspect the splint for signs of wear or damage. If the brace becomes worn or damaged, it should be replaced to ensure optimal protection.

Yes, sports braces can be used by children who play sports. In fact, children who play contact sports are at greater risk of dental injuries due to the development of their teeth and jaws. Sports braces can help protect their teeth and reduce the risk of injury.

Yes, sports braces are highly customizable. Each brace is custom made to fit the patient's unique tooth shape and bite. The procedure begins with a thorough examination of the teeth and jaws, including taking impressions and measurements. This information is then used to create a brace that provides optimal fit and maximum protection.

Sports braces work by providing a cushion and redistributing impact forces to protect the teeth and jaw. When a strong blow is applied to the mouth, the splint absorbs part of the energy, preventing its direct transmission to the teeth. This helps reduce the risk of fractures, dislocations and other dental injuries.
The brace also helps improve jaw alignment, reducing the risk of jaw fractures and minimizing the chance of a concussion.