Inserts Inserts
And Overlaid Seals

Inlays and Overlays

Inlays And Overlays Seals

When it comes to maintaining dental health, dental fillings play a critical role in maintaining the structure and functionality of our teeth. However, many people are unaware of the advances in dental technology that have led to the development of dental inlays and onlays as alternatives to traditional tooth fillings

Understanding seals

Dental fillings are used to treat cavities, fractures and other forms of tooth damage, preventing further decay and protecting the affected tooth. By removing the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth and sealing the resulting cavity, dentists can restore the tooth's strength and function. Without dental fillings, these dental problems would worsen over time, potentially leading to more serious problems such as tooth loss.

What are Inlay and Overlay Seals

Inlays and Overlays are innovative alternatives to traditional dental fillings that offer several benefits. Inlays are custom restorations made of materials such as porcelain or composite resin. Is designed to fit precisely into the prepared cavity, providing a durable and aesthetic solution. Inlays and Onlays, on the other hand, are removable prosthetic devices that fit over remaining natural teeth or dental implants. They not only restore the appearance of missing teeth, but also improve oral function and prevent bone loss in the jaw.


Enhanced durability and longevity

One of the significant advantages of inlays and overlays is their increased durability and longevity. Unlike traditional fillings, which may need to be replaced after a few years, the former are designed to last longer. This is especially true of inlays, which are custom-made to fit precisely into the cavity, providing a tight seal that protects the tooth and prevents further wear. Dentures, on the other hand, can be easily removed and cleaned, ensuring longevity and maintaining oral hygiene.

Inlays and Overlays
Inlays and Overlays

Improved aesthetics and functionality

Another notable advantage is their ability to improve both aesthetics and functionality. Traditional fillings, such as amalgam or silver fillings, can be unsightly and cause tooth discoloration over time. Inlays, however, can be color-matched to the natural shade of the teeth, creating a seamless and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Similarly, veneers can be adjusted to blend in with the rest of the natural teeth, restoring the patient's smile and improving their self-confidence.

Preservation of tooth structure

Preserving natural tooth structure is paramount to maintaining dental health, and inlays and overlays excel in this regard. Unlike traditional fillings, which require the removal of a significant portion of the tooth, the former aim to preserve as much healthy tooth structure as possible. Inlays, in particular, replace only the damaged or decayed portion of the tooth, leaving the rest of the healthy structure intact. This preservation of tooth structure ensures better long-term oral health and reduces the risk of complications that can arise from extensive tooth extraction.

The process 

Obtaining inlays and overlays involves a systematic process that ensures optimal results. It begins with a thorough examination and diagnosis by the dentist, who will determine their suitability based on the patient's specific dental condition. Impressions of the teeth are then taken to create custom implants that fit precisely. The dentist will then prepare the tooth by removing the decayed or damaged portion and ensuring a clean and stable base for the inlay. 

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Rather, the procedure is relatively simple and can often be completed in just a few dental visits, providing patients with a comfortable and effective solution to their dental filling needs.

From porcelain (ceramics), metal or even resin.
